Node.js Good Practices and Mastering Node.js
Although Node.js has many great frameworks, starter kits, and boilerplates, they were never meant to be production ready immediately. Improve your Node.js knowledge and skills. This post aims to bridge the gap.
- Tao of Node - Design, Architecture & Best Practices
- Practica.js - Node.js solution starter that is production-ready, packed with best practices and built with simplicity in mind. Based off Node.js best practices repo.
- Node.js Integration Tests Best Practices - Master the art of the most powerful testing technique for backend.
- Monitoring Node.js Performance
- An overview of Node.js: architecture, APIs, event loop, concurrency
- Bulletproof Node.js project architecture
- Comprehensive and exhaustive JavaScript & Node.js testing best practices (December 2022)
Advanced Node.js#
- Project for learning Node.js internals
- Broken Promises (video) talk by James Snell, ex-Node.js team. Various ways Promises are abused. Talk about why that ends up needlessly slowing Node.js applications down.
- v8-perf - Notes and resources related to V8 and thus Node.js performance.
- nleak - An automatic memory leak detection and diagnosis tool for NodeJS.
- Minimize Heap Allocations in Node.js
- Non-blocking I/O and how Node uses it, in friendly terms: blocking vs async IO, CPU vs IO (video)
- Node.js race conditions
- Profiling Node.js - Collection of articles and tools to efficiently profile Node.js.
- Our Journey to a High-Performance Node.js Library
- 5 TILs about Node.js Fundamentals from the Node.js Design Patterns Book
- performance and reliability best practices for Express applications deployed to production
- Using Streams Efficiently in NodeJS - Working with extensive data and solving back-pressuring issues with the help of Node’s streams. (Yep, I applied similar techniques in our user file upload to S3 implementations back then in 2021.)
- Supercharge Your Debugging Experience for Node.js (2018) - outdated but still useful.