OpenAI released a preview of o1 (aka 🍓) today — their first model trained with Reinforcement Learning (RL).

I’m starting to develop my intuition for what tasks are best suited for these new models. My very first impressions:

  • o1 “think through” before giving the answer.
  • o1 is not GPT: your prompts will not “just work”.

Leap in AI reasoning and Problem Solving#

  • Enhanced reasoning: o1 can “think through” problems before providing solutions.
  • Complex problem solving: excels in tasks requiring planning and iteration, such as novel questions or autonomous agents.
  • Writing skills: does not surpass GPT-4o in writing creativity and proficiency.
  • Errors and hallucinations: still prone to mistakes and generating inaccurate fact.
  • Underlying model constraints: limited by the capabilities of the base model, GPT-4o.

Vibe Check#

Given two common riddle challenges, “river crossing” and “there are six people in a room” and a crossword puzzle, o1 successfully solved them. Note that these challenges require iterative reasoning. o1 also demonstrated the ability to adjust answers based on new information. Feel like AGI? Haha.

Figure 1: GPT-4o unable to solve the riddle

If you are doing problems that don’t benefit from planning a solution, you may not see improvement.

I think the answers don’t matter as much as the thought process to arrive at the answers. o1 acts like it truly understand what it’s outputting.

Future Considerations#

I think we’re finally shifting toward AI systems with greater autonomy and planning abilities that can make SWE-agent more deterministic (robust) and less costly at scale solving real use cases.

New Paradigm of Model Pre-Training#

o1 is trained with RL to “think” before responding via a private chain of thought. The longer it thinks, the better it does on reasoning tasks. This opens up a new dimension for scaling. We’re no longer bottlenecked by pre-training. We can now scale inference compute too.

Test-time reasoning is all you need

This is a new paradigm of inference-time scaling. As Sutton said in the Bitter Lesson, there’re only 2 techniques that scale indefinitely with compute: learning and search. Now is the time to shift focus to search. OpenAI must have figured out the inference scaling law a long time ago, which academia is just recently discovering. So we now have scaling laws for test-time inference.


Despite o1 is great in many ways, it isn’t superior in all areas.

I’m still not too clear where it excels. I find ways to use it that I don’t know about everytime. So, keep playing.